The next instalment of
The Resistance
The Ubume had just magically appear at the turn of the corridor. Ashton only took a second to react. " Stay behind small . Your mission first. " He plays servo motors facing the enemy drone . Front, back, side , the wheels were well greased since the last revision .
- Do you long? If this thing survives, it will alert his friends.
- A few minutes if it works badly. These terminals are crappy .
- Not that kind of kid vocabulary.
Ashton moved off toward the drone. His exo- armor increased size, strength, reach and speed to the point that it took him a few seconds to reach his opponent and put him first right. The drone , too fast, dodged the attack with ease but failed to touch Ashton was still too far away . The drone is easily answered and jumped on the Strong, determined to eliminate these two humans without giving them any hope of survival. " You want Ashton hand? I'm almost done . " Jimmy asked without looking up to the fighters.
Ashton replied only by a rumbling as he took a shot in the stomach. He had to catch his breath. Focusing on the importance of the mission. Jimmy had a job, was to protect his teammate . If both die because of him , Alice would not forgive him.
He caught his breath painfully while Ubume marked a downtime. During this short second pause , Ashton had time to engage the auxiliary servo motors and discharged all of its batteries. His armor would make him invincible for a while. He felt that the movements of its members were more fluid , the armor reinforced its skeleton vulnerable places, his fighting spirit was renewed .
He charged again the drone who tried to grab him by the chest. The short energy overload when the drone struck a join tack the blocked part of the artificial intelligence of the drone and it let go . Ashton took the opportunity to make a back breaststroke kick off balance that made the drone reputedly extremely stable. While his opponent reeling , Ashton flattens his fist against the mask of the drone and sent him to the mat.
Even before it has had time to get up, Ashton threw both feet on his enemy , crushing its most fragile circuits under his weight. A last flash of light passed through the eyes of the drone and then quenched while critical machine survival systems flanchaient one after the other .
The fight adrenaline slowly left the body resistant when Jimmy , without looking up from the controlling terminal , asked him "Are you sure , you do not need help ? I have a moment to again " .dropoff window Ashton smiled. It should not hang anyway.

"Be careful! " She told Alice when we barred the old Freedom. "You know how old I am ? " What I said . It 's great Alice . J'l'adore . But sometimes it swells me when she thinks I'm a brat . She has a look all worried , there, and when I tell him that everything is OK , she can not help but have a smile . And then, with my legs saucepan following me around , I'm never alone.
In addition , it is zilch to do what she asked . Au p'tit morning , there's Lynx spots a weird guy with orange hair eyeing us up to the Hill of the antenna ( it identifies all Lynx . Too strong . No hefty but nothing escapes ) .dropoff window A guy with his own colorful clothes. Not a friendly scout after another. Anyway, twisted and not friendly gugus , there's this hole in it . Well, just had to know where he came from and if he was going to call his friends . When Alice looked at me , it was already starting from Freed ' and me.
At the same time , be careful, now is not too urgent . Which urge the most is calter by post-haste before I get caught by the three big stupid smelly . He damn scared the other degenerate, then, when he nearly chopper me . I did not see it coming. I followed through a ghost town , traces of Bozo the Tignasse that precisely s stopped ten meters in a funny red puddle between two ruins. His colleagues will never have his news. I blocked three seconds this bad plan ... and suddenly, I almost do another similar spot with my face . I bent down in extremis. I do not know how I did it , but hey, his club has made qu'accrocher my cap . To think that these disgusting mutants have developed a way to move like drafts. Air currents that smell of stale retains a hundred years , should be noted.
In short twenty minutes to run and jump over the carcasses of cars and rubble with débilos Monstros and his two buddies Basque . They follow unabated. I sneak in old buildings . They still drop out. They might be fat, they are busy , swelling. But then , finally, it's good, I brought 'em where I wanted . In a cul -de-sac . No need to trudge . I blow a little. They arrive. Also stop. They know me that there's no way in the old cellar of ruined building. The big laughs . It has a mentally retarded laugh who found their way to the game room s approach it slowly , arms outstretched , to catch me as much as to retain the two other hungry and gibberish . " 'm Not here mo ' Bonus roast . " Cannibal humor is something! I have time to see an orange wig bloody hanging from his belt. "You're eating clown you." He stares at me for a moment without moving. I would like to know if that stops it is the time think about what I said or if it's my quiet smile disorder ; but as they are just the right place , I put my acoustic headphone and I pressed the remote. Freedom comes out of the vent less than one meter above them. He swings the sauce. At this distance, the sonic compressor made their half blow his brains out. Even with the helmet and five meters , it really shakes , then they ...
Blood trickles from the nose and ears. They are on the ground, trembling all over , holding his head with both hands and bewildered eyes. I get my cap fissa the other nase was kind enough to report , thinking it would make him another nice trophy. I throw a kick in his pustular bide in thanks and I let him , "You would have done better to heed the advice of Alice, rot species." And I go .
Lloyd approached the degenerated as discreetly as possible . The repulsive creature was crawling and seemed to look under the trunk something she could not reach her claws . Close to the monster, he jumped and shot three times his fists on the human parody and crushed his head against the floor. Alice approached and secured with a stroke of the taser misshapen monster was dead.
- In your opinion leader , what he was looking down there?
- We'll see. Ashton? Come here please. Lloyd , help him , but be careful , it can be anything under there
Lloyd watched the giant to stand on the other side of the trunk and positioned himself so as to face him. They counted to three and managed to lift the piece of wood and the shift of a few meters . Underneath, there was a hole in the bottom of which was curled up a little girl trembling with cold and fear .
Alice watched the child and smiled. It did not move. She began to cry even harder.
" Move away guys, you make him afraid ." Lloyd and Ashton walked away a few steps. The little girl looked at Alice with anxiety. Alice walked " My name is Alice, do not be afraid , I'll take you home your mom. "
Alice had not advanced more than three steps when the girl screamed in fear. Alice put his taser and crouched to meet the child. When she was at his level, the little girl made her first smile. She seemed to have about seven years. Alice fumbled his wallet and pulled out an energy bar to the synthetic chocolate flavor . She removed the package and handed the bar to the girl . It started back again and prostra deep in his hole, Alice laying eyes.
" Here, look , I bite into it, it's very good ." Alice held out the bar started at the little girl who deigned to take it. She sniffed , observed several times and eventually bite into it with gusto . A satisfied smile lit her face when the chocolate flavor achieves its buds. "You know how to find your mom ? " The girl was devouring the bar but did not seem to understand what Alice said . "I'll bring you back to camp if you're alone, it's safer ."
Lloyd approached and said, " Take your binoculars, I believe there is someone out there on the slope ." Alice looked up and saw a figure in the distance. Through his binoculars , she recognized that it was a single woman who gave the impression of looking for something and ran, terrified , in every sense .
Alice took the hand of the little girl and helped her up . She showed him how to use binoculars and handed them to the girl . It tried them and looking toward the woman let out a " Mama" very distinct. The little girl gave the twins Alice who offered him another chocolate bar. She held a finger to where the mother of the girl was. The girl kissed Alice on the cheek and fled to the north to find his family .
Alice wiped a tear before turning to Lloyd . "We are heading south guys, we have nothing more to do here. "
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