Some time ago I came up with the idea of running Battletech Tournaments. I wanted to do something a little different to the standard 'Slug Fests' that had been played before. I liked the idea of having to build a force to complete missions without knowing exactly what missions will be played. RECON was born.
Please feel free to use and alter my players pack to suit your own events if you wish. I am not suggesting that my style of event will appeal to everyone but if there are even a few small bits from it that you like then I am more than happy to share what I have.
I have purposely left dates, prices, contact details and locations blank so that if you wish to use my format, you can add your own details to suit.
(Enter Date)

Thank you
for taking the time to download the players pack for the Battletech ‘Recon’
(Year) event.
event differs in some ways to other events you may have attended in the past
and it is highly recommended that you read this entire document and familiarise
yourself with the force selection process and the possible scenarios for the
If you
should have any questions or problems they can be directed to me:
- Via
Email (Enter Email Address)
- Via
Forum (Enter Forum and Username)
event will be held at (Enter Venue Details and Directions)
Sponsored by
(Enter any Sponsor Details and Logos)
This is a ticketed event and will take place on (Enter Date). The event
will consist of 4 games, each lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes. Each game will be
a different scenario. The scenarios will be a random draw from the 6 listed at
the end of this players pack. It is strongly advised that you design a force
that can comfortably compete in any of the scenarios. It is all well and good
having a force of just two Mechs with elite pilots when playing some of the
scenarios, however a list like that will find other scenarios very hard to gain
Victory points.
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration at tournament desk.
9:00 am - 10:45 am
Scenario One.
11:00 am - 12:45
pm Scenario Two.
12:45 pm– 1:15 pm
Lunch and painting judging.
1:15 pm - 3:00pm
Scenario Three.
3:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Scenario Four.
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Presentations and Tidy up.
Please note that if games are finished early this
may result in the next game starting earlier. Likewise if players want a
shorter lunch break to facilitate an early finish time that will also be
Tickets are available in advance for (Enter Price)
and can be obtained either from myself, via email, or from the counter at
(Enter Game Store)
If you are unable to purchase a ticket in advance
then you can pay for your entry on the day of the event. Late entry tickets are
(Enter Price)
Basic Rules
Standard Total
Warfare rules apply.
Clan Rules Of
Engagement do not apply.
Skills are
standard: Piloting of 5, Gunnery of 4. Players may adjust these values using
the Battle Value v2: (See Force Composition below)
Ammunition can be
reduced, or even removed, per slot before play begins. This does not affect the
Battle Value cost of the chosen unit.
A unit that leaves
the battlefield counts as Destroyed/Disabled and may not re-enter.
The Forced
Withdrawal rules from the Total Warfare rulebook are in effect.
Players must have
a Ral Partha/Iron Wind Metals miniature of the Battlemech they choose along
with a hex base. It is not a requirement to have it painted. There will be no
miniature substitutions. The front facing of each Battlemech must be clearly
identifiable. Either indicated by the position of the Mech or marked on
the hex base.
Players have the right to view the record sheet of any other player at
Force Composition
Players must build a force to a value of no more than 5000 BV using BV2
Values. In addition the following rules must be adhered to.
Only Battlemechs
may be taken (Protomechs, Vehicles, Infantry, Aerospace units
etc are prohibited). Special ammunition types from Technical Readout 3025,
3050, 3055, 3058, 3060, 3067, 3075, 3085, Phoenix, Battletech: Upgrades, Inner
Sphere/Clan Handbooks & all Field Manuals can be taken. This includes the
variants found in the printed record sheets. There will be no artillery units
or artillery ammunition types allowed.
Players may adjust
a pilots Gunnery and piloting Skill as per this graph. However there must be a
difference no greater than 2 between each of a pilots rating.
No Battlemech can
have a final BV of more than 2500
A force can
consist of Inner Sphere, Clan Mechs or a combination of them both
Only Light and
Medium Battlemechs may be taken. This is a recon patrol after all.
A force may not
consist of more than 6 Battlemechs.
No force can have
more than 2 of the same variant of a Battlemech. For example, you can have as
many Locusts as you want as long as no more than 2 are of the same design.
rules for Forced Withdrawal are in force and will be used in all scenarios.
When a Mech is forced to withdraw it must attempt to leave the table via its
deployment edge. The unit must retreat at its fastest possible speed however it
does not have to turn its back on the enemy and can still continue to fire any
weapons it can bring to bear.
for some reason a Mechs is unable to move whilst in forced withdrawal the model
is immediately removed as if destroyed.
Forced withdrawal summery sheet will be provided for each table.
and terrain
Maps and terrain will be set
by the Tournament Organiser and will remain unchanged for each game. However
deployment areas may change dependant on the scenario.
All wooded hexes
are light woods.
All water hexes
are depth level 1
Ending the Game
This is the important bit. A game will end, at the end of the turn in
which any of the ‘ending the game’ conditions are met or at the end of Turn 8
or at the end of the allotted game time.
Players are to
keep track of how many turns have past.
At the end of the
game the players are to complete their score cards and hand them to the
tournament organiser.
(Enter Award
Final Notes
Tickets are non-refundable.
Players are expected to submit their completed force roster to the event
organiser by (Enter Time and Date) NO force rosters will be
accepted past this date. Only electronic or computer printed versions of force
rosters will be accepted. Failure to provide the force roster before the due
date will exclude the player from the event so allow plenty of time to prepare.
If you are having difficulty printing or emailing your force roster then I urge
you to contact me as soon as possible.
Players are encouraged to check that everything is in order and clearly
mark items like ammunition types, quantity, or anything else that has a
variable option so there is no confusion once the games begin. This is an open
list event, which means an opponent may request to view your list or record
sheets at any time during the game.
Discrepancies and Rule clarifications
Should the need arise where an answer to a question cannot be resolved
between the players, they are encouraged try to find a solution as quickly as
possible to allow the game to continue. If no common ground can be found a dice
roll can be used to settle the matter. The Tournament organiser can also be
asked to make a ruling and his decision is final. We are all here to have fun.
It’s a game of toy soldiers at the end of the day and as long as that is kept
in mind everyone will have an enjoyable time.
In each scenario there is a maximum of 3 Victory Points (VP) to be
attained. Victory Points will decide the outcome of the game. Ultimately the
player with the highest VP score at the end of the event will be crowned
The BVS is the difference between the amounts of BV you destroy, or
force to withdraw and the amount of BV you lose or have in forced withdrawal.
This number can be a positive or a negative. For example: you destroy two Mechs
with a combined BV of 1400 and force another Mech with a BV of 800 into forced
withdrawal. In return you have lost one Mech worth 950 BV and have two Mechs in
forced withdrawal worth a total of 1200 BV. Your final BVS for the game would
be 50 (1400+800 – 950 – 1200 = 50). The total BVS will be used to determine a
players standing in the case of a draw in Victory Points.
As you can see, completing the missions is far more important than
getting stuck in a prolonged gunfight, however taking the opportunity to
destroy or cripple an enemy Mech should not be overlooked.
mentioned above the event will consist of 4 different scenarios chosen at
random from the 6 below. Each round all players will participate in the same scenario as each other.
Scenario 1: Face Off
players must eliminate the enemy force commander, whilst keeping your own
commander on the board and not under forced withdrawal.
Initiative roll is made to determine order of deployment as per the Total War
Rules. Each player selects one Battlemech that represents the Commander of
their force. The Commanders are deployed first with each one facing each other
across the centre of the battlefield with a gap of 3 hexes between them, (Blue
Hexes). The remaining Battlemechs are deployed anywhere along the players home
edge, (Red Hexes).
Victory Conditions
1 VP if the opponent’s Commander is dead, or under
forced withdrawal.
1 VP if your Commander is alive on the table and
not in a state of forced withdrawal.
1 VP if, your Commander deals the killing blow to
the enemy Commander.
Ending the Game
game ends after 8 Turns OR after the allotted time runs out OR one
force is completely wiped out or in forced withdrawal.
Scenario 2: Escort
safely escort your own supply vehicles off the map through the enemy home edge
whilst preventing the enemy force from doing the same.
Initiative roll is made to determine order of deployment as per the Total War
Rules. Battlemechs move on from either home edge on their first turn, (Red
Special Rules
Each Side has two
supply vehicles.
Each supply
vehicle must be accompanied one Mech of at least 600 BV.
This dedicated
escort is moved at the same time as the supply vehicle it is protecting. A
record sheet and figure will be provided by the tournament organiser for each
supply vehicle.
Supply vehicles
cannot move into water hexes.
The escort must
end its movement within 2 hexes of its allotted Supply Vehicle.Once a Supply
vehicle has been safely escorted across the table the escort Mech is free to
rejoin the battle.
Victory Conditions
1 VP for the first
player to exit one of his Supply Vehicles without his opponent also exiting a
supply vehicle in the same turn.
1 VP for exiting
more supply vehicles than the opponent.
1 VP for the
player who has the most BV of Escorts remaining alive and not in forced
withdrawal at the end of the game.
Ending the Game
game ends after 8 Turns OR after the allotted time runs out OR both
supply vehicles from one side have left the table OR one force is
completely wiped out or in forced withdrawal or neither side has any active
supply vehicles left.
Scenario 3: Take the
must control the greatest possible number of areas of control.
Initiative roll is made to determine order of deployment as per the Total War
Rules. Battlemechs move on from either home edge on their first turn, (Red
Special Rules
The battlefield is
comprised of 3 Separate areas of control, (Blue and White Hexes). To control an
area you must have more BV of Battlemechs in the area then your opponent.
Mechs that are
destroyed or in forced withdrawal are not counted when calculation control of
Victory Condition
1 VP for each area
Ending the Game
game ends after 8 Turns OR after the allotted time runs out OR one
force is completely wiped out or in forced withdrawal.
Scenario 4: Supply Drops
must control the greatest possible number of supply drop points.
Initiative roll is made to determine order of deployment as per the Total War
Rules. Battlemechs are deployed anywhere along the players home edge, (Red
Special Rules
To control a
supply drop point you must have more Battlemechs within the drop point area
than your opponent at the end of the game, (Blue Hexes).
Mechs that are
destroyed or in forced withdrawal are not counted when calculating control of a
drop point.
Victory Conditions
1 VP for each drop
point controlled.
Ending the Game
game ends after 8 Turns OR after the allotted time runs out OR one
force is completely wiped out or in forced withdrawal.
Scenario 5: Meeting
the Enemy force.
Initiative roll is made to determine order of deployment as per the Total War
Rules. Battlemechs move on from either home edge on their first turn, (Red
Victory Conditions
1 VP for each
complete 1500 BV worth of Enemy Battlemechs destroyed or in forced Withdrawal.
Ending the Game
game ends after 8 Turns OR after the allotted time runs out OR one
force is completely wiped out or in forced withdrawal.
Scenario 6: Rapid Recon
scan as many of the enemies deployed markers as possible whilst keeping your
own safe from enemy prying eyes.
Initiative roll is made to determine order of deployment as per the Total War
player then deploys 3 markers that the enemy needs to scan. These markers must
be deployed within the blue hexed area of the map and at least 6 hexes
apart. They cannot be deployed in wooded or water hexes.
the markers are deployed Battlemechs move on from either home edge on their first
turn, (Red Hexes).
Special Rules
Scanning is carried out at the end of the turn and cannot be performed
by destroyed Mechs or Mechs in forced withdrawal.
To scan an enemy
marker a Battlemech must attempt to scan it. The base target number is 7 (if
the Battlemech is in the same hex as the marker being scanned).
Markers are
considered to be 1 level high and cannot be destroyed.
Scanning roll modifiers:
+1 per hex between
the scanning Battlemech and the target marker;
-1 if Mech is
equipped with TAG;
-2 if Mech is
equipped with a Beagle Active Probe; +1 For each hex that passes through an
enemy ECM; +1 per hex of intervening Light Woods.
Victory Conditions
1 VP first player
to scan one of the enemy markers.
1 VP scanning all
the enemy markers.
1 VP scanning more
markers then your opponent.
Ending the Game
game ends after 8 Turns OR after the allotted time runs out OR one
side has had all its markers scanned by the enemy OR one force is
completely wiped out or in forced withdrawal.
o Miniatures and repair equipment.
o Two copies of your submitted force list.
o Record Sheets for each Mech in your force.
o Total Warfare rulebook.
o Techmanual rulebook. (If you have it, the
Tournament Organised will have one on hand)
o Any reference sheets you have created.
o Dice, pencils, spare paper, etc.
o Money for lunch and snacks.
o Panadol.
o Deodorant.
o A positive attitude!