Macedonian army included many mercenaries for these I am just using any figures
I like the look of. For most of them I plan to use Greek figures as I
like the look of them, and they have nice shield designs.
These models,
however, are actually Successor Thureophoroi infantry. I have no
idea how I ended up with them but rather let them go to waste they are no
substituting as mercenaries.
I have six
models to a base, although there are a couple of bases which have seven models
for no other reason than because I had spare figures.
Because the
footprint of the unit is what matters it doesn't really matter how many figures
are in each unit (One of 24 men and one of 26 me) if they look reasonably close
They can
either be fielded as one large block or my preference is as two smaller blocks.
I still must
complete the shields on these, which should really add some colour and help
bring these to life.
I am fast running
out of models for my Macedonian force and really need to order some more to
finish the project. Maybe something to do once Christmas is out of the