Thursday 21 October 2021

Macedonian Army Part 6

Forming the Centre

I have been steadily smashing through the Sarissa armed troops.  I currently have 3 units done, with the exception of spear tips, basing and shields.

I have enough of the metal spears to do 5 units in total, so 320 men.  I was hoping to do 6 units for a total of 384 men to form the centre of the battle-line.

I guess that will depend on if I can source some more wire spears in the same style as the ones I have already used.


Once I have got the Phalanx finished I am thinking of doing either some Cavalry as a little reward or possibly some Hypaspists.

Hypaspists are an elite selection of  loose formation infantry with shorter spears and larger shields.  A bit more like traditional Greek Hoplites.  They normally formed up on the right on the Phalanx to protect the flank and form a flexible link between the Phalanx and the Companion Cavalry.

Cavalry would probably be Companion Cavalry (Hetairoi) which were the elite heavy cavalry arm of the Macedonian army.  They were an offensive force that made the decisive attack in most of the battles of Alexander the Great.


Spears tips and shields to be completed.

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