Tuesday 1 March 2022

Morituri te Salutant. Part 1



Many years ago, there was a set of Gladiator Skirmish rules simply titled; ‘Gladiator Skirmish Rules’.  They were simply produced and easy to learn and provided fun little games to simulate gladiatorial combat.

The game played on a simple hex grid and the fighting was done in the style of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissor’ where each player would pick an attack and compare it with each other to determine if the attack was easy, medium, or hard to pull off.  This was then converted to a separate table where dice would be rolled and compared with the armour value of the target and the difficulty of the attack to generate a level of wound.  Wounds would accumulate so that three nicks would become a cut, three cuts become a wound and so on.

I really enjoyed that dated set of rules and was looking for something that I could play simple quick games, mainly with the kids, but with friends also.

I wanted to keep the rules as simple as possible whilst keeping the feel of the original rules, or at least how I remember them to be.

This is my homage to those rules.  Some bits will be similar, some bits completely different (mainly because I can’t remember how they were originally) and some bits will be vaguely familiar.

I intend to do my best to create a fun little self-contained project using the little knowledge of our hobby that I have picked up over the years.

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